Geri Winters
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Free Resources
Menlo Innovations Extreme Interviewing (pdf)
Sourced from: Menlo Innovations on 13 January 2016.
Happiness and Productivity, Universiy of Warwick (pdf)
Sourced from: University of Warwick on 11 March 2016.
Gallup Q12 Meta-Analysis - impact of employee engagement on company bottom line (pdf)
Sourced from: Gallup on 11 March 2016
Report: State of the American Workplace (pdf)
Sourced from: Gallup on 11 March 2016
Thought Provoking Articles
The Case Against Agile: Ten Perennial Management Objections sourced 6 March 2016
Limitations of Agile Software Development sourced 6 March 2016
The difficulties of Agile development sourced 6 March 2016
How Employee Engagement Drives Growth sourced 11 March 2016
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